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Spectrum PR




07411 697666

Is it time to contact Spectrum PR?




We provide you with a voice. We do so by sticking to what we’re good at — telling your story in the traditional media, printed and broadcast.

There is a sound reason for this approach. Digital media, with all its hi-tech bells and whistles, can reach only 65-70 per cent of your target audience. We connect with the rest.

Of course, we cannot turn our back completely on digital so we team up with one of the UK’s most forward-thinking and creative agencies for the bits we can’t reach.


Developing your brand and placing it in front of your target audience via the media is best achieved by telling your story.

We are story-tellers par excellence. As former journalists it is something we have been doing for many years.

There are exceptions, occasionally, but a properly-researched, well-written story is a more cost effective way of communicating with your audience than advertising.


Sometimes things go wrong in an organization. Then the media gets involved and, suddenly, all hell breaks loose.

Once the word is out it cannot be suppressed, but, if you have prepared in advance, it is possible to limit the damage.

We will create a crisis management plan for your company. That way if negative publicity is about to rear its ugly head, we will be ready for it.


We have built up a network of reliable contacts around the world and are ready to make use of them.

Sometimes it can be a simple issue, like facilitating a meeting for you with the right people in a foreign embassy. Alternatively, you might require a door to be opened in a far flung place.

Either way, our people are at your disposal.


Increasingly clients would like to target foreign audiences. In these instances it is best not to rely solely on the English language.

By utilizing a network of professional translators, we can tell your story in virtually any language.

Spectrum PR
